Rooster festival 2022

Get the best kind of blues!


Lofty Heights was asked to join the Suffolk Community Foundation’s Festival of Suffolk!

We were rocking out (or bluesing down) at Euston Hall, Euston, Thetford, IP24 2QW – during the Jubilee weekend this June. Come and find us to take part in our Lucky Dip Skip (We sold out in a day). We will be highlighting our work for Carers, funded by SCF and our work to reduce energy consumption, funded by UKPN. Come and get some advice and win some fabulous, reclaimed prizes – no actual skip contents will be used in this event!

In less than one months’ time the whole of Suffolk will be uniting for the Festival of Suffolk 2022.  It’s going to be the country’s biggest community event in history and will shine the spotlight on all aspects of Suffolk life to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee.

On the 2nd to the 4th June Lofty Heights was invited by Suffolk Community Foundation to set up a fun and interactive information stand at Euston Hall, home of the Dukes of Grafton for over 350 years. With over 10,500 acres, there will be an array of family activities during the daytime and then music and camping in the evening.


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