Lofty Heights CIC is a Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise. Trading ‘for good ‘supporting vulnerable people across Suffolk, Norfolk and beyond.
Any profit made is ‘profit with a purpose’ meaning that it is reinvested back into the organisation to further our social aims, making homes safer, improving wellbeing and adding social value by training and employing young people with a NEET background. As such, our social enterprise is built on three values and every member of our highly trained team lives by these.
We believe how we do things is just as important as what we do. We follow a tried and tested process and take great care to protect any important items during our work.
We appreciate how homes can become muddled. Keeping our clients involved at each step, we always seek to understand the situation and manage expectations.
We’re ever mindful that we are guests in someone’s home. We want our clients to feel confident in us and so all our staff are highly trained, and police checked.

Our story
Lofty Heights CIC started life tending to the loft insulation needs of vulnerable people across Suffolk. Today though, we have a much wider remit and specialise in decluttering and cleaning muddled homes to help vulnerable people live safely at home.
Our Social Impact
Our services are available to everyone, no matter how big or small a job may be and we’re immensely proud of our team. We are Making a Clear Difference to the community in lots of ways.
Youth Employment
We give young people who are not engaged in education or employment the chance to develop skills to improve their life chances.
Collaborative Impact
We work closely with the NHS, Local Authorities, Charities and Housing Associations to provide specialist support to vulnerable people.
Recycle and Reclaim
We address furniture poverty. We very rarely throw anything away unless it is perishable or beyond repair. Where possible, we find a new home.
Educate and inform
We seek to educate partner agencies and communities on how to help vulnerable adults and create opportunities for young people.
Employment and Training for Young People
At Lofty Heights CIC, we are passionate about raising young people’s life aspirations. Rather than focusing on qualifications, we value the motivation, commitment, trust, honesty, and the energy young people bring to our team. We never overlook or judge anyone.
Our Team
We have an amazing multi-skilled team who know how to declutter even the most muddled of homes in a sensitive yet practical way. This is why we’re frequently chosen for more complex decluttering jobs.