Helpful Information

We often discover other helpful resources that may benefit the people we assist at Lofty Heights CIC.

Below, you’ll find a list of charities and organizations that may also be of assistance. Please keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive list, and we encourage you to contact us for additional assistance. We are always willing to assist in any way we can.


Carers Assessment Suffolk

If you care for someone, you can have an assessment to see what might help make your life easier. 

Customer First

Customer First is the first point of contact for social services in Suffolk. We deal with enquiries and referrals about adults, children and mental health assessments.

Cost of living Support
Help with finances and household expenses. A wealth of support available from the Suffolk County Council.

UK Power Networks

UK Power Networks Priority Service Register provides support to people in need during a power cut. Sign up now and you will receive a priority number that you can call 24 hours a day, Tailored support if needed such as home visits, hot meals, advice and keeping your friends and relatives updated, Click the link above to find out more.


Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide.

Suffolk Family Carers

Suffolk Family Carers is an established charity, helping family carers of all ages across Suffolk get the support they need to live fuller lives.

Suffolk Fire and Rescue

Fire safety in the home. ​How to apply to book a safer home visit, what to do if there’s a fire in your home, carers support and a list of fire safety leaflets.

SSAFA Suffolk

Providing support to those who are serving or have served in the British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines or the Royal Air Force, and to their families.

Business cost saver guide for Veterans

Business Ideas, Employment, Housing and Financial Guide for Veterans.

Claiming discretionary housing payments

In special circumstances, they can make a discretionary housing payment to give extra help with rent. If the amount you are awarded is not enough to meet your rent, you can apply for a discretionary housing payment. They treat every claim individually.


Gateway to Homechoice is a choice based lettings system, where social housing properties are advertised in the local authority areas of Babergh, Braintree, Colchester, East Suffolk, Ipswich, Maldon and Mid Suffolk. Properties that are available for rent will be advertised each week.


Support Care of Older People are a community support provider for older people some who may experience mental health difficulties This includes people who experience memory impairment e.g., Dementia related illnesses yet still choose to live in their chosen accommodation. In certain situations SCOOP can provide support to younger people depending on their needs.

Solo Housing

Solo Housing has been working with single people to find housing solutions since 1985.
They help a range of people, from those who simply need a roof over their head, to those who need regular help to overcome problems that they may be experiencing. Solo Housing believe in people and our intention is to provide opportunities for those who pass through their door to improve their lives.

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